Thursday, June 7, 2018

Northern Chesapeake Bay

As we headed north on the Chesapeake Bay, we bid farewell to the Potomac River.

Chesapeake Bay is loaded with crab traps, so the crew stayed alert to spot the floats.

The crab traps are attached to floats that come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes!

Spiritus enters the basin at Solomons, a popular boating mecca in southern Maryland.

The Captain slowly navigated through the creek to Calvert's Marina where Spiritus spent the night. 

As soon as we got Spiritus tied to her floating dock . . . .

. . . . we heard the Blue Angels precision team flying overhead!

What a thrill to watch these F-18's do acrobatics right above our Spiritus!
It reminded us of being back at our homeport in NAS Pensacola, home of the Blues!

The next morning, we departed at first light and were rewarded with a glorious sunrise.

The signature cliffs on the upper Maryland shore offered an extreme change from the previously wooded banks.

On the upper Chesapeake, we started seeing more and more container ships.

It almost seemed like they were having a big ship convention!

Near Annapolis, we enjoyed watching the sail boat races.
The sailboats were dwarfed by the big container ships!

Nostalgia came over us as we approached the Chesapeake Bay.
Dad Pennington's cousin (and Best Man) was one of the engineers who designed this bridge.

 Entering Worton Creek, we were welcomed by several ospreys sitting in their nests.

We discovered a quintessential gem here at "The Wharf" Marina in Warton Creek.
Pepper and Alice, the friendly owners, arrived 25 years ago and never left.  We can understand why!

Our view from the fly bridge of nothing but sailboats was a peaceful sight.
The quiet, charming setting was accented by eagles flying overhead.

We took advantage of the road less traveled and hiked one morning.
The Captain attempts to walk the line . . . .

. . . . but the First Mate doesn't need a line to walk straight!

Sporting her short righting mast, Spiritus felt privileged to be part of the "sailboat gang".
  There were very few powerboats in the marina! 

The Captain and First Mate smiled upon their departure from this memorable marina . . . .

. . . . as the friendly geese honked "farewell"!!

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