Friday, November 7, 2014

Panama City to Port St. Joe

Cruising toward Port St. Joe, we saw several working shrimp boats.
Linda tried to get the fishermen to toss her a few shrimp but the dolphin caught them!
 Arrived at the charming Port St Joe Marina & were greeted by friendly dockhands to secure Spiritus' lines.
 The Captain put pork tenderloin on the grill just before sunset! 
The Cape San Blass Lighthouse is delightfully situated on one side of our marina AND . . . . . .
. . . .  . . Piggly Wiggly is conveniently located on the other side!!
The marina has courtesy bikes that we enjoy riding on the fabulous bike trails throughout town.
After a long bike ride, you can catch this Captain and First Mate relaxing on the marina's deck!
We love being in a marina where the locals appreciate our Auburn burgee...WAR EAGLE!
Guess who celebrated his birthday "Mexican style"?

And guess who the birthday boy had to share his ice cream with??

We plan to make the Gulf Crossing early next week but until then we will enjoy "The Forgotten Coast"!

1 comment:

  1. You have had smooth sailing so far! Hopefully it continues as you cross the gulf. Your pictures are beautiful. You are getting to be quite the photographers...maybe you'll publish a book someday! XO, Tammie Sue
