Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Illinois River

We left Chicago & cruised down the Ship Channel for 11 miles before intersecting the Illinois River.

We shared the channel with numerous tugs & barges.  No auto pilot on this leg!

Spiritus was thankful that her crew had lowered her mast for the dozens of bridges that lie ahead.
How many bridges do YOU see in this photo?

We communicate with fellow Loopers on the radio but seeing them approach is extra comforting.
Spiritus & 11 other Loopers are anchored outside the doors of Lock #3 waiting for our turn to enter the chamber. 
Since commercial vessels get priority over pleasure craft, we waited over 3 hours to enter this lock.
We were lifted through a total of 8 locks on the Shipping Channel and Illinois River.

The submerged electrical shock gates attempt to prevent the invasive Asian carp from entering Lake Michigan. 
We soon found out how prolific the Asian carp are on the Illinois & Mississippi Rivers! 


We watched hundreds of carp leaping out of the water.  Here are the first 2 that landed on Spiritus' deck!


And here is Captain Eddy, with rubber gloves, wrestling the uninvited carp!
Can you believe he never catches fish when he has a pole & bait but they just jump in our boat on this river!

Spiritus caught THIRTEEN !  We've been told it is a Looper record but not a record we were striving for!  
 Our first night on the Illinois River, we tied to Joliet's municipal city docks with Carina & Yinzer.
It was fun to watch the barges pass by and see the twinkling lights of the city from the water's edge.

As we sailed further south, the river traffic was less congested and the scenery became more beautiful.
We couldn't ask for better weather!!


The second night on the Illinois River, we stayed in the historic town of Ottawa.


This is the site where Lincoln and Douglas had their famous debates in 1858.

And we found signs of Lincoln around every corner in Ottawa!


Check out the view we have from Spiritus' flybridge at our third stop on the Illinois River!


Not to be outshined by the riverboat casino, the First Mate decides to wash Spiritus' ring so it's sparkly clean!

Peoria boasts a bustling waterfront but Spiritus passes by and chooses a quieter harbor further south.

Spiritus felt pampered at Tall Timbers Marina in Havana.
She scored her own private dock with a trail of flowers leading to the tikihut and boater's lounge!

Walking in quaint Havana, we felt like we were in a movie set from days gone by.


The 5th day on the Illinois River, the First Mate pulls out the Road Atlas to figure out where the Illinois meets the Mississippi?!

Our last night on the Illinois River, we anchored behind Buckhorn Island and enjoyed peaceful solitude.
The Captain grills yummy pork loin . . . . . .

. . . . . while the First Mate pours the wine!
"Lovin' our Looper Life!"

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