Friday, June 7, 2013

Atlantic City to New York Harbor

Spiritus departs Atlantic City and we enjoy the next 7 hour run along the New Jersey coastline to Manasquan.
The cottages on the Jersey shore are so colorful, quaint, and inviting.
 Soon we pass "Old Barney", the lighthouse that marks the entrance to Barnegat Bay.
At 165 feet in height, it is the 2nd tallest lighthouse in the entire United States.
The First Mate gives the Captain a break so he can ....
. . . . take a "CApTain" nap!!
Spiritus gives way to the BIG ships as she cruises the Atlantic Ocean. 
We've learned to respect the rule of tonnage: He who weighs the least, gives way.
 In this case, our mere 12 ton Spiritus moves out of the way!
 This shrimp boat led us through the inlet to Manasquan, where Spiritus docked for the night.
And for dinner we actually indulged in the fresh shrimp he caught!  YUM!
 Enjoying fresh seafood with boaters, Ken & Trudy, on the patio deck at "The Shrimp Box" where Spiritus & Celebration are docked.

The First Mate points to Hurricane Sandy's high water mark in the restaurant.
  Sandy did extensive damage to the New Jersey coastline, making the Jersey Intracoastal Waterway unnavigable.
 This is why we were forced to travel in the Atlantic Ocean from Cape May to New York Harbor.

A peaceful, tranquil sunset as we sit on the patio deck of the "Shrimp Box" sharing stories with our boating friends!
Blessed with calm seas and fair winds, Spiritus & crew set out from Manasquan for their last 7 hours in the Atlantic Ocean, heading to New York Harbor.

Sometimes you just want to stand on your bow and yell, "I'm queen of the world!"
For 3 days we "buddy boated" in the Atlantic Ocean with "Celebration", another 36 ft Grand Banks.  We have the city's horizon in view as we enter New York Harbor!
Spiritus approaches the Verrazano Bridge, which connects Staten Island to Long Island.
This bridge is 7th among the world's largest suspension bridges.
Beside the bridge stands Fort Wadsworth where we watched a magnificent 2011 New Year's eve fireworks display with Linda's entire family.
New York City's skyline is mind-blowing from the water's edge . . . . .
. . . . . but Captain Eddy stays focused on navigating while Linda wipes her tears of joy!
Then Spiritus faces the Statue of Liberty . . . . . and both Captain & First Mate are overcome with emotion.
We dreamed of this event for a long time and now it's REALLY here . . . . . an amazing "Wow!" moment we will never forget!

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